Growth Through

Merger & Accquisitions

Buying Selling Merging Harvesting

We specialise in business growth, using Mergers and Acquisitions to achieve this has many benefits

  • Growth in market share and market positioning
  • Gaining economies of scale
  • Taking competition out of your space and creating barriers to competitive entry
  • Reduction in Overheads
  • Increasing profits and margins
  • Access to technologies, patents and know how
  • Increasing profitability
  • Shareholder and stakeholder confidence in the leadership team
  • Staff Knowledge skills and competences

Out team of Legal and Operational professionals have transacted several hundred Mergers and Acquisitions for over 40 years cover the complete commercial sectors.
Deal sizes have been from £1m for MBO and MBI through to £350m corporate take overs within PLC’s.
Our team will work with clients on an end-to-end basis targeting Acquisitions, preparing business for sale, managing the seal process through to post acquisition or divestiture integration.
Scellon strategic approach to M&A is more cost effective than the traditional methodologies giving assured fast paced deal closure and focused integration and operational efficiencies post divestiture or acquisition.

Business Valuation

Scellon offers an alternative to the traditional accounting and legal view of business valuation, because all our staff have proven expertise in running and selling business we can advise from a different perspective and optimise the value you will gain you’re your hard work and investment in time and money. Some of the many ways we interrupt and value for your business are:

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  • Valuation based on multiples of earnings ( Net profit )
  • Asset Valuation
  • Intellectual property Valuation
  • Good will
  • Competitive advantage and unique selling points
  • Cash
  • Property
  • Plant and machinery
  • Staff Knowledge skills and competences

We Sell on your business

What we do
  • Prepare business for sales through optimising opportunities for deal size
  • Maximise operational efficiencies and effectiveness ahead of business sale
  • Work ahead of due diligence preparing business for sales
  • Project manage end to end M&A activities
  • Target business for acquisition working with clients to have an exclusive transition
  • Finding the right organisation to sell too
  • Sale of business enabling shareholders and stakeholder maximum returns
  • Lead post acquisition integration